Environment Library - Templates

Environment Library - Templates

This topic will present information regarding the Default Template. For information regarding the Template Environments please see Template Environments.  Clicking on the Template node will load the Template Management screen.

Fig. 1. Template Instance Management

Option What it is
Selected Select this option to Edit or Delete the Environment Library Template
Name Displays the name of the Environment Library Template
Description Displays a description of the Environment Library Template
Default Indicates whether or not the Template is used as the default Template

User permissions (Read Only or Modify) can be granted for Actions governed by the associated Template. Click on the name of the Template (i.e. Default Template) to load the Manage Permissions screen. By default, everyone has full rights to work on the Environment and the Manage Permissions screen will therefore be blank by default. When permissions are assigned to specific Users/Groups, the default is overwritten and only those people with rights are able to work on the Environment according to the specific permissions assigned to them.  

Fig. 2. Default Manage Permissions Dialogue

Fig. 3. Permissions assigned to a specific user

Option What it is
User Name Presents the path and system name of a User
Read Only Selecting "Read Only" grants limited read only rights to the associated User, giving them permission to see and use the environment, but is not able to change any environment values such as the SmartObject Server name etc.
Modify Selecting "Modify" grants modification rights to the associated User, giving them permission to modify environment values such as changing the environment field of the SmartObject Server to point to another server etc.
Type Presents the User type (i.e. User or Group)

Clicking on the Template Fields node will allow the Administrator to Add, Edit, or Delete fields to the default Environment Library Template.

Fig. 4. Template Fields Management

Option What it is
Selected Select this option to Edit or Delete the Environment Field
Name Displays the name of the Environment Field
Description Displays a description of the Environment Field
Default Indicates whether or not the Field is used within the default Template
Field Type Displays the Template Field Type

For information regarding the Template Environments please see Template Environments.

See Also

Environment Browser in K2 Designers



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